App Design for User Experience I Class
My Role
Conducted User Research, Created user flows, wireframes and high fidelity mockups of the app
Figma, Illustrator
A wholesome social media app that lets users share their hobbies and get inspired to start new ones
3 months | Feb 2023 - May 2023
I love the little hobbies I have! And I love listening to my friends talk about their hobbies. In this day and age, people spend so much of their time scrolling through social media, and when I find new people to talk to there is no dimension to their personality because they use all their free time doing pretty much nothing. That's disappointing.
Hobbies give you something to look forward to, it gives you purpose and drive, that feeling of accomplishment when you finish it! You discover so much about yourself when you do various different things, and the best part is sharing that bubble of joy with people who care.
Create a wholesome social media app that lets users share their latest hobby or project they're working on.
The Why
I want to understand whether users want to keep track of the time they spend on their hobbies and if that’s something they want to share with friends
The discovery phase is meant to give the team an understanding of user needs and the problem space, inspire a direction for the future, and lay the foundation for solving it.
Research Questions
User Interview
Affinity Mapping
Findings - What I learned
Competitive Analysis
The competitive analysis gave me an idea of ideas and potential features that I want to implement in my app. However, before designing, I wanted to spend some time brainstorming how this app could be organized. Its very easy to get intimidated by features in a new app, so I wanted to create a seamless experience where everything is organized clearly, so users are not confused or overwhelmed. Some questions I had to ask included:

How might I help users effectively navigate the app?
How might I organize and display all relevant information that prompts users to be motivated to use this app more frequently?
How might I create an app that adds to their experience than distract them from responsibilities?
How might I create a wholesome social media app that is a positive influence on people’s lives?

User Flow
The Final Product
Interact with the Figma Prototype
Throughout the course of the project, I learned how valuable conducting and implementing the user research is to the direction of the app.

I also recognize now that the design of the app looks visually attractive, but also overwhelming and distracting. There is a balance to be struck between the two and I'd love to hear constructive criticism on the overall user experience of the app.

Thank you for reading!

For work enquiries or to grab a coffee reach out to me at
Jyotsna Venkatesh